Item of the Winter

Look at what has featured as the item of the week, my Sorels!
I was lucky enough to get a pair for Christmas from my sister-in-law, unluckily they were to big. After two frustrating trips back to the Bay, I left without any boots my size and a gift certificate. Now I need to find a place that carries these beauties, I have never seen this model; The Joan of the Arctic boot by Sorel. Cute.

Also, any suggestions for usage of my HBC gift certificate? Mac? a pair of Hunters (even though I really don't want to deal with that shoe dept ever again (a-holes)? a humidifier?


Unknown said...

sorels in any decent woman foot size (7-8) are basically sold out in every store in the city that carries them. your best bet is to go steal them off some Dawson 'ho or buy them online! good luck and godspeed and boy will i be jelling if you find a pair in mtl!! xoxo

mimi. said...

haha! Thanks for the tip. I'll be prepared for more frustration. Yeah, I'm looking for a 7.

Carolina Andrea said...
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