Its.... Sean P!

Went to see Sean Price (and Ill Bill) this Wednesday. I'm a pretty big BCC fan so I was pretty excited. Turns out I don't really know much of his stuff, lol, was a little lost during the show. I'm more of a 9th wonder fan so I guess I only really know the music they do together; seems he wasn't into it this show. The crowd was crazy weird, normally you get your normal hip hop heads, or your snowboard dudes, or the mtl 'gangsters'. But there was none of that. I didn't recognize one person, there were no ladies and everyone was french, bridges and tunnel crowd? People actually started chanting LCN! LCN! (La Coka Nostra)when Ill Bill was on; that was my outro.

In the end, I got to hear my favorite Onion Head and Kenza heard hers In My Heart. Got to witness Sean P imitating a butterfly coming out of a cocoon and impersonating Barry White. Good way to spend a Wednesday.

Thanks Kenza WRG? for the tics.

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